


The most distinctive feature of Nepalese esoteric painting paubha is this spiral pattern.

I studied Tibetan thangka for two years and then switched to paubha painting. It was only after a year and a half of learning paubha that I was able to paint satisfactory patterns.




Chandra mandala(paubha )



In the center of this mandala is the white moon god Chandra holding a white lotus. The man seated in the front is named Ambala. He is pulling the reins of the seven white geese that drive the chariot.The eight gods in the first circle may represent the planets.The sixteen gods in the second circle represent the central god Chandra, and may also represent the phases of the moon.


白い蓮を両手で持っているのは白い月の チャンドラ神です。正面に座っている彼の名前はアンバラといいます。彼は戦車をひく七匹の白い雁(がん)の手綱をひきます。円のすぐ外、第一の円の中の8つの神々は惑星を表していると言われています。



Surya prabha & Chandra prabha


This Bodhisattva is a modern Paubah, based on a sketch of a classical Paubah.The red skin is Sunlight Bodhisattva.White skin is Moonlight Bodhisattva.Sunlight Bodhisattva has a white ribbon.

Moonlight Bodhisattva has a red ribbon.I interchanged the colors of their ribbons with each other to represent yin and yang.



Paubha Pattern


It is my most happiest time while painting this pattern. But it did drain out all of my patience at the very beginning with tears in my eyes.



Hevajra madala


In the center of this mandala is the dark blue deity Shri Hevajra.

He has eight faces and sixteen hands.

Sri Hebajra holds a skull cup and he stands on four legs in a dancing posture.The first pair of hands embraces his wife, Vajra Nairatmya.Both of them are adorned with bone ornaments.

They are standing on four corpses in flames.



シュリ・ヘバジュラは頭蓋骨のカップを持ち、彼は踊る姿勢で4本の足で立っています。最初の手の組は、妻である金剛力士(Vajra Nairatmya)を抱擁しています。二人とも骨の装飾品で飾られています。彼らは炎の中で四つの死体の上に立っています。

122*86 6 months

Tibetan Thangka Course Materials


Tibetan thangkas have a fixed ratio.

The thangkas are designed to be lattice-like so that the Buddha image will remain the same now and in the future. It feels like an expression of śūnyatā (空: emptiness, voidness, openness).

With one pencil, a sheet of paper, and a ruler you can draw a thangka.



Paubha course materials


The paubha has no fixed proportions like the Tibetan thangka.

We will be copying classical works from the late 11th century to the 16th century. Some sketching skills are required.This is a Holy Animal called sharabha that appears in paubha.

It also appears in the Tibetan thangkas, but in the paubha it often appears in this form.

It is described as a Holy Animal with the face and horns of a goat, the mane of a lion, and the body and legs of a horse.

In Hinduism, sharabha is a mixture of a lion and a bird.




He is my paubha teacher. He is very friendly.

I cried many times that I could not draw beautiful lines in this class. But the Buddha trusted me and gave me the paubha. So I studied in this place.








The Kirtimukha is often used as a motif surmounting the pinnacle of a temple or the image of a deity, especially in South Indian architecture. 

What he is holding in his hands is a designed snake.





My Paubha art studio You Tube

Illustration イラスト
