Thangka Painter Tara Kei タンカ絵師 多良 佳  English /日本語

Tara Kei

I was born into a Buddhist family and started to draw at the age of 12.I graduated from Kyoto Saga Art University.Then, I spent two years in India studying philosophy.

From 2014 to 2020, studied Tibetan Thangka at the Shechen Monastery in Nepal, 

Studied under Traditional Paubha Artist Lok Chitrakar and other NAFA artists.

Currently studying under Ratna Bajrachariya ji, 2022.

In April 2020, I returned to Japan because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Paubha Art studio welcome all people with different religions as Thangka students. 

It isn't necessary to be Buddhist. As long as you are interested in Buddhism painting, respect and empathsize Buddhism, we are more than happy to have you with us.                  


◆多良 佳(たら けい)

嵯峨美術短期大学卒業後、2年間のインド留学を経てネパールへ。シェチェン僧院附属ツェリンアートスクールでカルマガディ派を学んだ後、ネパール密教仏画のポーバ(paubha)に転向。ロク・チトラカル氏、他NAFA 所属アーティスト師事。5年間ネパールで学ぶ。2020年4月コロナパンデミックのため日本へ一次帰国。


ポーバとタンカのアトリエ Paubha Art Studio を主宰。






ネパールにて Nepal
ネパールにて Nepal

About my donation in 2020, 10% of my earning was donated the Orchestra in Napel. As I was noted, they have used the donation to buy the sheets and strings. Moreover, part of donation was also used to support medical expenses for the poor. From 2021, 5 % of my on-line class earnings is planned to support the tuition of Newar girls in Nepal. It’s always thankful to everyone’s support to my work.

2020年の寄付について コミッションワークの売上の10%をオーケストラメンバーの楽譜や弦になりました。彼らの手によって寄付の一部が貧困層の医療費にあてられたと報告を受けています。オンラインスクールの5%は2021年から私が支援を始める予定のネワール人の女の子の学費になります。皆様のサポートと愛に感謝します。